The ability to connect with your spiritual self can propel you along an incredible journey of self...
Author - Manifestation Lift
10 ways to keep centered on your desires
Being able to maintain your thoughts and attention on what you want to attract into your life is...
Manifest your goals using lunar energy
Although people may think it, it’s not only witches, wizards, and astrologers who use the moon’s...
Quiz: what’s blocking you from manifesting a better life?
Have you ever looked at yourself mirror and did not recognise the person looking back? Take the...
7 Ways to lift your vibrational frequency
Lifting your vibrational frequency is vital when it comes to using the Law of Attraction to...
5 Indicators that resistance is blocking your ability to...
When we talk about resistance in relation to manifesting, it is the internal conflict that you...
5 Ways to let the Universe do the work!
Here we'll look at what it means to trust the process and let go so the Universe can do the rest...
Make your own road
We can choose to create our own road. Yes, there may be rocks we need to walk around, fences to...
How to read auras
Our aura is part of our energy and can vary from one person to the next. An aura can be weak or...
Connecting with your spirit guide
Since before you were even born, you have had a dedicated higher being who chose to guide you from...