Product Reviews

Review of The No-BS Manifesting Course

Some statistics say that a whopping 94% of people report having had little or no success using the Law of Attraction. The ones who did admit to manifesting something into their lives said that it wasn’t anything significant. 

Why is the chance of success so remarkably low? 

Inspire3 (the creators of The No-BS Manifesting Course) state that many people don’t really understand how to use the Law of Attraction and are therefore doing it totally wrong. They claim that there are fundamental parts of the Law of Attraction that even best-selling books such as “The Secret” don’t talk about. 

Inspire3 unveil the key to successful manifestation in The No-BS Manifesting Course.

The No-BS Manifesting Course is a full program that you can follow to manifest the life you truly desire. The written information will give you knowledge and understanding of the Law of Attraction and how it works. There is also an audio element to the course which uses Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques and Hypnotherapy to reconstruct old subconscious belief systems that no longer serve you well. 

Inspire3 also claim that their Law of Attraction course is the only one in the world that is 100% supported by science. 

It sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

But these things are meant to sound great. Will it actually live up to the hype?

I decided to buy The No-BS Manifesting Course and try it for myself.

If you’ve heard about it and are thinking about whether to buy it or not or if you need a bit more information about what it does to see if it’s worth it, then you’re in the right place! 

This is the review for you! 

I will explain everything you need to know about The No-BS Manifesting Course. I’ve put it through its paces, and I’ll tell you what I’ve discovered. 

Will this course convert you into a powerful manifestation magnet who can quickly draw anything to you?

You’re going to find out very soon. 

But first, let me tell you a little bit more about my story. 

I have to start by admitting that I know it can be tough! I remember the frustrations of doing exactly what I thought I needed to do to manifest using the Law of Attraction. I would ask, then believe, then wait to receive. And wait, and wait, and wait. Nothing came! 

In the beginning, I think I tried every manifestation technique that I read about. I forced myself to think positively and feel grateful. I filled my house full of motivational images and sayings that would inspire me. I acted ‘as if’ I already had everything I wanted. I even spent a full weekend creating a vision board! 

Another really frustrating thing was when I spoke to people to ask them for their help and guidance, I would always receive the same type of blanket response. “You must be focusing more on lack than abundance,” or “Maybe you don’t have enough belief in what you’re trying to manifest.” 

I couldn’t understand it! What more could I do than I was already doing? 

It made me start thinking things such as: “What am I missing?”, “What am I doing wrong?”, “Maybe I just can’t do it.”

I was so close to giving up when I discovered a method that actually worked!

It made me look at the Law of Attraction differently, and I could finally understand how it worked! This system is the same one that they cover in The No-BS Manifesting Course by Inspire3!

Let’s take a closer look. 

What is ‘The No-BS Manifesting Course’?

The No-BS Manifesting course has been created by Inspire3. It is a complete, easy-to-follow, practical Law of Attraction program.

It is unique as it’s the only Law of Attraction course that is 100% based on science. 

It uses a variety of methods that include hypnosis, NLP, soundwave technology, subliminal programming, and many more that will produce results with long-term effects. 

I’ll tell you in more detail about exactly what the program includes shortly.

Essentially, The No-BS Manifesting Course is based on a 5-step methodology:

Step 1 Focus: Focus your concentration and energies on what you want to manifest. There are absolutely no limits to what this might be. 

Step 2 Boost: Give your desires a bit of a boost by surrounding them with positive thoughts and joyful, happy emotions. 

Step 3 Release: Liberate yourself from any worry or negativity that you might have about your life in general or, more specifically, about your desires. 

Step 4 Gratitude: Demonstrate and feel gratitude for all the positive things you have in your life. Show that you’re grateful for your past, your present and that you will gratefully receive what the future brings you. 

Step 5 Action: Don’t hold back! Get on with it! 

Now, you might be thinking that this looks really basic and simple. Well, you’re right – it is! 

That’s the point of this program. The clue is also into the title of the course. There’s no BS, no messing about with fluffy stuff that sounds good but doesn’t work. The beauty of this program is that it does what it says it will do. It is a straightforward tool kit that has just the right tools that you need to do the job (which, in this case, is manifest exactly what you want in your life). 

How Can it Help?

When we try to manifest, we sometimes come up with challenges that can get in the way. The No-BS Manifesting Course aids you in overcoming these obstacles, which might include having difficulty thinking positively, letting go of worries, and maintaining your focus.

It doesn’t matter what you want to manifest. It could be:

  • Financial abundance
  • A positive and healthy loving relationship
  • Better health
  • Increased satisfaction in your life

Or it may be something totally different. Whatever you want to attract into your life, The No-BS Manifesting Course will help you make your dreams come true.

What’s Included in the Course?

I know that I’ve just said that this course is really simple, and perhaps you’re now reading this article and thinking, “if it’s so simple, why do I need a course? Can’t I just find all the information I need on the internet?” 

But let me be clear about one thing. 

The No-BS Manifesting Course is very straightforward in terms of the theories that it will teach you. You will find them easy to understand, but it’s the course content that is the game-changer concerning the impact it will have on your ability to manifest. 

Here are some more details of what you get when you sign up for The No-BS Manifesting Course

The No-BS Manifesting Guide

This 111-page eBook gets straight to the heart of what manifesting is all about. 

It’s easy to read and work your way through. Everything is explained really clearly, so there’s no concern that you’re not following their guidance correctly. 

The eBook tells you how you can reach your true potential, and it is explicit in how you can enhance your manifestation powers. 

Within this eBook, you will also find information about the science that supports the Law of Attraction, and it also covers all the other methods and techniques you will find in the course. 

Hypnosis Audio Track: The Manifesting “Autopilot”

This is an excellent hypnosis track that uses NLP techniques and hypnotherapy to induce a hypnotic trance. When you are in the hypnotic trance, the mp3 audio issues positive affirmations that will penetrate your subconscious mind. 

This track is a really powerful tool to help eradicate negative thoughts, unhelpful limiting beliefs, or irrational thoughts and doubts. Once your mind is free of these thoughts and full of positivity, you will become like a magnet and attract your wishes towards you much faster. 

The “Manifesting Movie”

This movie lasts for 30-minutes and features some of the most popular and highly-acclaimed transformational coaches in the world. I felt genuinely energized and excited about initiating the ideas and concepts that they had covered. 

The coaches talked about their experiences of The No-BS Manifesting Course’s 5-step methodology. They also discuss personal insights into manifestation and tips they would recommend because they have had positive outcomes. 

The Manifestation Conversation

This is a 50-minute conversation where Karl Moore personally shares information about the techniques and approaches you need to follow to turn your dreams into reality.

Extended Cheatsheet

This worksheet details everything you need to do to work through the 5-step methodology, including simple, step-by-step instructions.


In addition to receiving everything that I’ve just mentioned (which is fantastic), The No-BS Manifesting Course also gives excellent bonuses!

These bonuses include:

  • Four additional hypnosis audio tracks
  • A pdf Guide to Letting Go (this is amazing!) 
  • Music that will raise your vibration to promote manifestation

And much more!

To watch a video that will explain everything that you get with The No-BS Manifesting Course, visit

The Team Behind the Course

As I mentioned earlier, the company that created The No-BS Manifesting Course is called Inspire3. This company designs and creates programs that are based on scientifically proven methods that unlock the power of the mind.

They have created a number of amazing personal development tools and methods such as, SubliminalGuru, and Zen12 meditation. You may have heard me mention some of these before, as I think they are all high-quality tools that really work.

One of the things that jumped out at me when I discovered The No-BS Manifesting Course was the team of people who helped design and create the concept. It was like reading a list of who’s who in the world of personal development and the Law of Attraction. 

Let me introduce you to some of them:

Karl Moore

Karl Moore is the Chief Executive Officer, founder, and creator of inspire3. He is an author of best-selling books including, “The 18 Rules of Happiness” and “The Secret Art of Self-Development.” 

Karl has starred in movies such as “Think & Grow Rich: The Legacy,” “The Evolution of Success,” and, not to mention, “The Manifesting Movie,” which is part of The No-BS Manifesting Course.

Karl has created many other successful and effective programs, including Brainwave shots, Hypnosis Bootcamp, and The Raikov Effect.

Carl Harvey

Carl Harvey founded the Abundance Book Club, and he also features in The No-BS Manifesting Course. Carl discusses his experiences with the 5-step methodology after spending more than $250,000 studying the Law of Attraction. He currently collaborates with several famous leaders in the field of mindset experts, including Joe Vitale, John Assaraf, and Mindvalley’s Vishen Lakhiani.

Rikka Zimmerman 

Rikka Zimmerman is a consciousness leader, international speaker, author, singer/songwriter, and world-renowned teacher in self-development and spiritual consciousness. She has worked with internationally-acclaimed teachers, including Michael Beckwith, Dr. Wayne Dyer, John Assaraf, Greg Braden, and many more.

In this course, Rikka features in the “Manifesting Movie.”

Dawn Clark

Dawn Clark also stars in the 30-minute movie in The No-BS Manifesting Course. Dawn combines scientific studies with spirituality to help you discover your full potential. She is the author of many successful books including, “Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene,” “Tuning In,” “Your Secret Inheritance,” and “The Forbidden Text.”

The course also introduces Chris Cade, Andrew Shorten (, Lynn Rose, Lily Jenson, Stuart Ashing, plus others.

Who should sign up for The No-BS Manifesting Course?

I have to be honest and say that this program is not going to be suitable for everyone. This part will help you decide whether this is the right option for you. 

I would only suggest that you buy The No-BS Manifesting Course if you are currently experiencing at least one of the issues I’m about to list. If not, you should try another alternative.

It will work for people who:

  • Have tried to manifest using the Law of Attraction methods but haven’t noticed any results yet.
  • Feel confused, overwhelmed, or stuck when it comes to manifesting.
  • Doubt that it will ever work for them.
  • Experience negative thoughts when they are attempting to manifest.
  • Find it hard to let go and trust in the process.
  • Notice signs that things might be happening but never achieve full results. 
  • Find it difficult to visualize what they want to manifest clearly.
  • Are being prevented from manifesting successfully because worry or fear is getting in the way.
  • Don’t know where to start when it comes to manifesting something.

Just to reiterate, if you can’t identify with one or more of these statements, you may want to look for a different product. 

How Much Does it Cost?

At the moment, has an incredible offer available, so you can buy The No-BS Manifesting Course for only $27!

That includes everything I’ve mentioned – even all of the bonuses! It’s amazing, isn’t it?

The only thing is that I don’t know how long this fantastic promotional price will be available. When the discount ends, the price will go up to $177.

If you’re able to buy it now, I strongly recommend that you do, as you’ll grab a bargain. 

The whole course is digital, meaning that you will have instant access. And, if you have any problems with it (which I very much doubt will happen), you can get a 100% refund within the first year. 

If you want to get started, here’s the link to your order information page. Fill it all out, and then you will have access to the complete program immediately!

What are the Benefits?

It’s only natural to want to know how you will benefit if you do this course. I can only speak from my personal experience, but there have been so many fantastic positives that I’d like to share with you. 

  • I now earn more than I did when I first started using this course. 
  • I feel like I’m “luckier” – lucky things happen to me now, whereas I never seemed to have any luck before. 
  • I feel like the Universe will provide anything I need, for example, a coffee, a good parking space, or a bit of extra money. 
  • It seems like it’s got a lot easier to manifest things quickly without having to overthink. 

Those examples are quite specific, so here are some additional, more general benefits that I have noticed with The No-BS Manifesting Course:

  • It can be really useful and helpful if you need to get rid of negative thoughts, worries, or doubts about your ability to manifest.
  • The audio programs use special soundwaves that make your subconscious more receptive-
  • Everything in the course has been scientifically proven and validated.
  • You can learn how to let go once you’ve set your desires to stop obsessing about how they will manifest. 
  • Your vibrational frequency will lift so that you become more aligned to what you want to manifest. 
  • The course content is put together in a simple and easy-to-understand way. 
  • You are given a system that helps you attract anything you want into your life. 
  • It’s very straightforward, clear-cut, and gives you a strategy that you can immediately put to work. 
  • Manifestation becomes much easier. 
  • The incredible team of experts behind the course has some excellent input that you can learn from.
  • You learn how to emit positivity so you can attract it to you. 

As you can see, there are many positives that you will get from doing this course. 

However, I think that there are a few elements that could be better, so I’ll take you through my pros and cons lists.


I’m going to begin with what I most enjoyed about the program!

  • The strategies have scientific backing and provide excellent, long-lasting results.
  • The customer support is amazing!
  • It’s such a reasonable price (especially if you buy it with the current discount).
  • There is a 1-year guarantee, so you can get a full refund if you have any issues.
  • It really is No-BS. It’s written in plain language, so everything is clear and easy to understand. 
  • It is everything you could possibly need to know about manifesting in one place.
  • It’s so simple that anyone could use it. You don’t need to have any specific training or computer skills. 
  • The bonus offers are fantastic.


Ok, so now for the parts that I think could be better. 

  • There’s a little too much hype for my taste. I know they have a program to sell, but it felt a bit too much. 
  • It’s only available in digital, and I would have loved to be able to buy a book and have a physical copy in my hands. 
  • It’s not a magic trick. You have to take responsibility and apply what you learn. You can’t expect it to happen on its own. 
  • It sometimes seems repetitive. 
  • You have to be consistent, so it requires a certain amount of dedication and commitment. 

You’ve heard what I think, so I quickly wanted to share some other people’s thoughts and opinions of the course. I found these reviews on 

“The no BS manifesting is a really great product. I definitely recommend the straight-to-the-point course, which really helped me focus and make positive lasting changes in my life – thank you for making such great content.”

“My experience has been fabulous. The audios are very pleasant to listen to, and I already feel a little better as a whole since starting week one. I feel very refreshed after listening to the module for week one. My mind has become clearer. I have a feeling this is going to be the best decision I’ve ever made. Plus, it didn’t hurt that it was such a great deal! The promo that I received was phenomenal. I will definitely recommend listening if you’re ready to put in the work of manifesting an abundant life. Also, the customer service I received was AMAZING. 5 stars all around.”

If you want to hear some other people’s opinions on The No-BS Manifesting Course, you can check them out more on if you search for Inspire3. 

We’ve reached my final thoughts. 

Of all of the many courses, books, programs, videos, audios I’ve bought, seen, read, and listened to about the Law of Attraction, I can honestly tell you that The No-BS Manifesting Course is by far one of the easiest and clearest guides to manifestation. 

It’s practical, science-based, and has various strategies that use different tools and that have been proven to work. 

Anyone can use this to manifest. It doesn’t matter if you’re a total beginner and this is the first time you’ve even heard of the Law of Attraction, or if you just want to hone your manifestation skills. 

As I write this, The No-BS Manifesting Course is at its lowest-ever price, which is a one-off payment of $27. I truly hope that the offer is still the same when you are reading this article as it’s an amazing price for what is honestly a life-changing course. 

It’s not going to be for everyone. If you’re looking for the Law of Attraction to be like waving a magic wand and changing your life with no effort from you, then you’re going to be disappointed. But, if you’re prepared to put some time, dedication, and commitment into the process, listen to the hypnosis tracks and use the methods you are provided with, you will receive everything and more that you want from this program. 

When you join the program, Karl (founder of Inspire3) and his team will fantastic customer support and guidance during your journey. You can also get a 100% refund within the first year if you change your mind about the course. I think this is incredible and just shows how much faith they have in their product. 

I have heard rumors about a pending price rise, so I would buy it now if you can. And with the refund option that I’ve just mentioned, you’ve got nothing to lose as you can ask for your money back if you decide you don’t like it!

I’m sure you’ll love it and that it will make as much of a difference to your life as it has mine.Thanks for reading my review of the No-BS Manifesting course, and best of luck with your manifestations! Create the life you desire and deserve!

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