During the last six years, I have focused on living my life with a lot more purpose and intention than I ever used to. Setting goals for myself has been fundamental to that change.
What I realized a few years ago was that most of us live so much of our lives in auto-pilot mode. We wake up, shower, have a coffee, go to work, return back home, eat a few times (often the same food at the same time of day), sleep, and then wake up and do it all over again. We are such creatures of habit and mundane routine.
But if we get stuck in this monotonous cycle for a few years, we can end up feeling like we have no power or control over our lives and that we’re just trapped on a treadmill that never stops.
However, you can start to regain control and feel like your life has meaning again. The key to this awakening is setting goals and becoming more aware of your current reality. Rather than go through life in a trance, if you set goals, you start to channel your energies in a particular direction and create your destiny.
We’re going to look at three easy steps you can take to set powerful manifestation goals that will give your life a fantastic sense of meaning and direction.
Incorporating positive thinking, positive energy, and eliminating negative feelings plays a crucial role in this process. By consciously working on your conscious and subconscious mind, you can release negative energy and replace it with positive thoughts. This positively impacts your mental health and promotes a manifestation practice.
To overcome any negative thoughts and limiting beliefs, creating a vision board can be a powerful tool. Visualizing your dream life and dream job helps align your energies towards achieving them. Additionally, practicing gratitude, using present tense, and maintaining a positive attitude contribute to your manifestation journey.
There are various manifestation techniques and methods, such as the Law of Attraction, that can assist you in manifesting your goals. By leveraging manifestation tools like a future box or a gratitude journal, you can manifest love, abundance, and other positive things into your real life.
Remember, manifestation is a powerful tool that can attract money, improve self-esteem, overcome self-doubt, and enhance overall well-being. If you’re looking for a new job or more money, start journaling your desires and take inspired actions to manifest them.
We’re going to look at three easy steps you can take to set powerful manifestation goals that will give your life a fantastic sense of meaning and direction.
But first, let’s have a quick look at the basics!

Manifesting Goals – Why is Establishing Goals Important?
“Without dreams and goals, there is no living, only merely existing, and that is NOT why we’re here.”
Mark Twain
When you set a target and how to achieve it, you can change the world. Goals come hand-in-hand with determination and belief, or else they are just wishful thinking.
Creating powerful objectives in relation to manifesting your desires means that everything has to be focused on converting your initial thoughts into something that exists in your reality. There are no limits or specific types of goals that you have to manifest. You may want to direct your aspirations towards improvements in your financial situation, relationships, working environment, or something totally different.
One of the biggest reasons it is so vital that we set goals is that one of our main purposes of being alive is to construct our reality in a conscious manner. We are actually doing it all the time, through how we think and feel, what we do and who we surround ourselves with. What we focus on in our minds becomes true in our life.
The problem is that it’s too easy to end up trapped on the autopilot treadmill, where we simply exist from day to day, unconscious of our thoughts and intentions. We’re not in control or even noticing anything that manifests in our reality – we just accept it and carry on with our mundane routine.
This can be great for some people but a really bad move for others. It’s impossible to know which side of the coin is going to land facing up.
Have you noticed that you’ve had experiences in your life that have repeated themselves as if they were in a loop? When we live without being conscious of what we’re manifesting, it can be pretty natural to realize that cycles of behavior and events tend to happen again and again. And unfortunately, these tend to be negative ones.

Future Self
For instance, some individuals always seem to find themselves in toxic relationships. When one relationship ends, they may believe that they will never allow themselves to go through that again. They enter into a new romance and start noticing similar patterns. Instead of walking away from their partner, they give them a little more time to see if things change. However, they have negative thoughts about the future of the relationship, worrying that the toxic behavior will escalate, and so on. As expected, things do worsen in their relationship, and the cycle continues. It’s like being trapped on a monotonous treadmill, but this time with another person who constantly belittles and controls you. This pattern keeps repeating, affecting their future self.
The loop will only break when the individual makes a conscious decision to become more aware of what they are attracting and chooses to design a different future.
So, in a nutshell, this is why establishing powerful goals is vital.
We are all continuously manifesting something, but we can choose to take control and do it purposefully and consciously.
Rather than stumbling about in the dark, hoping for the best, we can turn the light on and start to really see what we’re doing.
Ok, so let’s move on to three easy and foolproof steps you can follow to establish your own powerful goals.

1.) Make Your Mind Up With a Positive Mindset
The key to establishing your goals is precision!
As humans, we can naturally be extremely indecisive and change our minds from one minute to the next.
For example, on a Saturday night, you might love being single and really appreciate the freedom you have to go out with friends. However, when it comes to Sunday, you see everyone spending the day with loved ones, and you wish you had a significant other.
Or, you might dream of living in a 5-bedroomed villa with a swimming pool, but also hate cleaning and not be a strong swimmer.
These are just a couple of examples, but you may recognize things in yourself that seem to contradict each other. We do it all the time!
If you think about goal setting as planting seeds, imagine that you have a few plant pots, some soil, and several packets of seeds. In each pot, you plant a different variety of seeds in the soil, and you water them. The following day, would you expect to see anything?
We know that when we plant seeds, we have to wait patiently, nurture, and give them what they need before we see results. And as we have different types of seeds, they each might grow at a different pace.
If we keep changing our minds, it’s like we look at our flower pots the morning after we’ve planted our seeds, and because we can’t see any green sprouts in one of the pots, we think those seeds won’t ever grow. So we throw them away and plant a different type. But perhaps those seeds were naturally going to take longer to grow, but if we had been patient, they would have been the most beautiful flowers we had ever seen.
The crux of being clear with yourself to produce accurate, precise goals is first to understand your motivation for wanting what you desire.
Ask yourself the following questions:
• Why is this goal so important?
• Where does this come from?
• What does it signify to you?
• How will your life be different when you have it?
When you have a clear understanding of your reasons for wanting this particular goal, you develop a stronger bond to it, and your emotions intensify. This will help you pursue it to the end, rather than changing your mind about it. If you can’t answer the above questions easily, then it may be that you don’t really want this specific thing as much as you thought you did. Perhaps there is something that would suit you better as you would be more emotionally invested in it.

2.) Strengthen Your Goals With Positive Affirmations
Once you have fully considered the type of goals you want to establish, now is the time to strengthen them.
This step relates to what you have to do to fix your objectives and make sure they’re as solid as a rock.
There are three different methods that you can use to firmly establish your goals. You can do it through speaking, writing, or thinking. I’m going to take you through how to do each of these now.
Writing Down Your Goals
Writing down your goals is the most powerful way to strengthen your goals. You create a connection with the Universe through this method, but they also deeply penetrate your subconscious mind when they are in written form.
When you write out your goals, they are precise, specific, and clear. And they are much harder to deviate from.
It’s essential to write out what you want to manifest if your goals are substantial or may take a long time to come into your reality. The process of writing them out each day for a week, month, or even a year will mean that you consistently focus your attention on them and continue to put that desire out into the Universe. The time frame can be as long as you need it to be. The important part is to be consistent.
So how do you write out your goals? Well, you can do it in several ways:
• You can write them as positive affirmations. Write your goal(s) as a positively worded statement, as if you already have what you desire. For example, “I have a loving relationship that is based on trust and brings me joy.”
• You can start a manifestation journal where you regularly script your goals. This method is more like writing diary entries as if you are living the life you want. You can write a full description of how your life will be different, rather than writing them as individual affirmation statements.
• You can write your goals as if they were a contract with the Universe. The contract states what you want the Universe to provide you with and what you are doing in return to be worthy of receiving your desires.
With all of these writing methods, remember to use positive wording and try to ‘feel’ how things will be when you have what you desire. Emotions really boost your manifestation power, so get excited about the amazing future that is coming your way!
Saying Your Goals Out Loud
Saying your goals out loud is an excellent way to strengthen short-term goals and aspirations.
The more often you do this through your day, the more conscious you are and the more instrumental you are in what kind of day you’re creating for yourself.
When saying your aspirations out loud, the best way to do it is using affirmations of what you hope to experience throughout your day.
For example, your morning might start with a hot cup of coffee, so you say, “This coffee is filling me full of energy so that I have a really positive and fruitful day.” As you shower, you might say out loud, “This hot water is cleansing me, so my day will be full of positive interactions.” As you eat breakfast, you say, “This healthy food is making me feel alert and strong.”
It would not be practical to write all of these affirmations down throughout the day, and as they are based on short-term aspirations (within the next few hours), simply speaking them out loud is sufficient.
I recognize that this might seem like a big task initially, particularly if you have spent years in autopilot mode, but try it. Start with some of the small things, perhaps first thing in the morning as we’ve just looked at, and see what difference they make to your day. As you progress, you will begin to notice that you are more mindful and present in the moment, which is when you can start to take more control of your destiny.
Positive Thinking Your Goals
This is the weakest way to manifest your aspirations, so I would recommend that you either write them down or say them aloud if possible. However, I know that sometimes this isn’t always appropriate because of where you are or who you’re with, or a lack of time, so this is better than doing nothing.
If you have larger goals or ones that might take a long time to attract, this isn’t the method to use as it’s too easy to become distracted from them. But if you have a short-term aspiration but can’t say your affirmation out loud, then think it in your head. If possible, try to feel it, as your positive emotion will raise your vibration, so the Universe still receives some kind of message, but the other two methods are stronger and clearer.

3.) Let the Universe Do Its Job!
At this stage, you have ensured that your goals are clear, solid, and full of emotion. You have begun your manifestations, so you have pushed your desires out into the Universe.
So what happens next?
Well, a key principle of the Law of Attraction is to know when to relax, sit back, and have faith in the manifestation process.
When you have done all of the above, now is the time to let go. You have delivered everything to the Universe, so you should have complete trust that everything is as it should be. You are on the right path that will lead you to your destiny.
Through liberating yourself of the pressure of having to obsess over how and when the Universe will create your goals, you can just get on with your life, safe in the knowledge that good things are coming. This will mean that things happen quicker, as your worry is not going to get in the way. You get what you put out into the world, so maintain the positive emotions that you put into your affirmations.
This isn’t about quitting or giving up. In fact, you can still continue with your regular manifestations, and you can also use other techniques such as meditation or guided visualizations to ensure your goals stay strong. The important thing is maintaining a positive vibration. You can be confident that the Universe is doing its job behind the scenes. This faith and belief will keep the manifestation process working at a great pace. Soon enough, you will see signs of your goals coming true in your reality. It’s so exciting!
So there you have it! Three simple steps, and now you’re all set to manifest the life you want!
Simple, right?
Final Thoughts
I want to say just one more thing before you go off and start writing your goals:
When you put your aspirations out into the Universe, you will see that things start to change quite rapidly. You might initially notice synchronicities such as always seeming to look at the clock when it’s 11:11, or you may receive signs such as knowing something before it happens.
I don’t want you to be scared by these messages. It’s all confirmation that the Universe is at work and is making the necessary changes to bring your goals to life.
These signs or things you notice will develop over time and guide you in a different direction. For example, your intuition may attract you to new people, or you might come across new opportunities that interest you. It’s important that you have positive thoughts, prioritize mental health, and engage in a manifestation practice. Consider creating a vision board to visualize your dream job and overcome limiting beliefs. Promote positive thinking and practice gratitude to manifest your goals.
Don’t be afraid to try new manifestation methods and manifestation techniques to attract a new job and star manifesting. Step out of your comfort zone and embrace self-love. Take the time in the morning to manifest and focus on achieving what you want to manifest. Believe in the energy of success and have the idea that you can achieve anything.
Gratitude is key in your manifestation practice. Practice a mindset focused on achieving your goals and be grateful for every step you take. Remember that your beliefs and actions matter in manifesting what you want. Keep manifesting and stay determined to achieve your dreams!
“The Universe will start to rearrange itself to make it happen for you.” Rhonda Byrne – Author of The Secret.
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