Let me tell you how I discovered that it was possible to manifest when you are asleep. And not only that, but it’s actually one of the best times to do it!
I was going through a difficult time financially. I had recently got a new job, but I couldn’t afford to get my own place, so I was stuck living with my parents.
Of course, I was lucky that I had that option, and it definitely wasn’t the end of the world, but I was getting a bit sick of it. I felt too old to still be in the bedroom I grew up in. Plus, sticking to my parent’s rules and routines was beginning to feel suffocating.
Attracting independence and regaining my freedom became my number one priority.
I threw myself into manifestation and did it every day. I wrote specific affirmations that I would repeat at any available opportunity, and I did lots of visualization, imagining myself living on my own.
It meant everything to me.
One evening, I went to bed and started to listen to some guided hypnosis through my earphones.
I barely heard any of it as I fell asleep really quickly.
I can’t say if it was because of the audio track or because I had been working so hard at my manifestation routine, but I had an incredible dream.
I dreamt that I had a city-center apartment with amazing views across the whole city. I could see from the window that it was located close to my workplace, and the décor was exactly to my taste – as if I had done it myself.
The apartment was peaceful and chic, with an abundance of natural light streaming in through the large windows. It was the apartment of my dreams – in more ways than one!
The next morning, I woke up to the reality of my childhood bedroom, and it almost destroyed my mood. However, I decided that I would focus on feeling appreciative and positive about things.
Over time, I noticed that I had this dream more frequently.
Just under a year later, I was leaving work and going to catch my bus, and I suddenly recognized the apartment block that I had been dreaming about.
Standing outside, I could see a couple speaking to a realtor. As they said goodbye and left the realtor, I had an overwhelming compulsion to speak to her, so I went over.
She explained that she had been showing the couple an apartment that had just come on the market to rent and that she thought they were going to take it.
Nevertheless, she gave me her number, and I said I would call her.
It is at this point that the whole situation gets even stranger!
When I arrived home, I spoke to my parents about the apartment, and guess what? They knew the person who owned it!
My dad used to go to college with him, and they were good friends, so he gave him a call straight away.
Two amazing things happened after this phone call. Firstly, I got the apartment, and secondly, he reduced the price significantly for me!
The first time I went inside, it was even more elegant than I had pictured in my dreams.
So the question is – did I manifest my dream apartment when I was asleep, or did I have some kind of premonition about what was coming to me?
Well, the answer has to be both of these things as they are intrinsically linked!
Since this happened, I became much more interested and started reading about the link between sleep and its boosting power when it comes to manifesting your desires.
I’m going to tell you what I have discovered and, particularly, explain ten of the best ways I have found that you can use to attract what you desire as you sleep.
“Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.”
Mahatma Gandhi.
But first, let’s start with some of the basics.
How can it work?
When we are asleep, we are in a non-physical state of awareness, and when we are awake, it becomes physical.
When you turn your attention to things outside of the physical realm, such as your dreams, visualizations, etc., your manifestation powers are boosted significantly!
Why does this happen?
Due to the dream state occurring outside of the physical realm, there is no need to do anything physically to manifest what you want. The easiest way to explain this is through lucid dreams. When someone has a lucid dream, they are aware that they are asleep and dreaming but can control what is happening. For example, if they want to make something happen in the dream, they just have to think about it.
In ‘real life,’ however, we are constrained by the physical laws here on earth, so, unfortunately, we can’t just imagine money from the sky and make it happen.
Consider that manifesting in the non-physical realm and physical realm is like speaking two different languages. You just need to know how to communicate your desires.
“The physical is only a small aspect of existence. In this cosmos, not even 1% is physical – the rest is non-physical.”
Jaggi Vasudev
How do we manifest the non-physical into the physical?
While it may sound impossible, creating and attracting what you want into the physical realm from the non-physical is absolutely achievable!
When you think about it, every single thing that exists on the planet began as an idea in someone’s mind.
We all have many things in our subconscious minds, and they are more easily accessed when we sleep as the conscious mind quietens down.
In a moment, I will show you ten different methods you can use to tap into the power of your subconscious and boost your manifestation abilities as you sleep.
However, before that, I want to explore something in more detail.
What impact does sleep have on manifesting?
If you are familiar with Esther Hicks and her spiritual collective conscious guide, Abraham, you are probably aware they often encourage people to use sleep as a way to overcome resistance.
Abraham Hicks says that if you should find yourself struggling to experience joy, the best things to do are take a short nap or meditate. By doing this, you can realign yourself with your true self and what you desire. It means that you can better recognize the correct path you need to take to attract what you want rather than don’t want.
The reason taking a nap works is because when we are asleep, the ego and all of our conscious thoughts cannot get in our way. The ego, in particular, often stops us from doing things because it wants to control us and keep us within our comfort zone, so it makes us run away from anything that scares us.
We are often dominated by restrictive thinking that creates resistance, which is why we sometimes find it difficult to experience joy. However, when we can give ourselves even just a short break from this, we will find that we feel much more focused and positive when we wake up.
It’s like pressing a reset button. Even a power nap of 10 minutes can leave you feeling refreshed and with a clearer state of mind to set off again on your manifestation journey.
“Put your thoughts to sleep, do not let them cast a shadow over the moon of your heart. Let go of thinking.”
What if I have nightmares?
Nightmares generally happen when we have been experiencing negative emotions or thoughts.
But the thing to bear in mind is that, even though nightmares are produced by negativity, they don’t have to be a bad thing!
In any of the dreams we have where we have no control, we are basically being given a message for which we can be grateful.
The message in your nightmares is coming from your subconscious mind to show you something about what is going on in there and what needs addressing.
Whenever you have a nightmare, ask yourself the following questions:
- What am I afraid of or angry about?
- What is this nightmare trying to teach me?
- What restrictive thoughts do I need to address?
Every dream that you have, be it a positive one or a nightmare, is giving you a message and has a function in your life.
Use your nightmares as indicators to show you the areas of your life that you need to work on as they are holding you back.
What if I find it hard to get to sleep?
There is a lot of different information out there in the world about ‘optimal sleep time’ and how many hours we should all aim to have. However, my advice would be to pay more attention to your body clock than what anyone else says.
If you can’t sleep at the ‘normal time,’ then your body is giving you a message. Don’t feel like you have to have the same sleeping pattern as everyone else if it just doesn’t suit you. Some people can function on a few hours sleep, and some need much more – we are all different, and you will know what suits you.
Find your own rhythm and go with it.
If you find it difficult to go to sleep because your mind is very active at night, I would recommend listening to guided hypnosis tracks, subliminal audios specifically aimed at helping you fall asleep, or meditation.
You can turn your focus to your breathing to stop paying so much attention to the sound of your thoughts.
Ok, now it’s time to get down to business! Here are the ten ways you can use the sleep state to supercharge your manifestation powers.
1. Set the scene
It’s really important to make sure you go to sleep feeling in a good mood and that you are vibrating on a high frequency. A lot of this is connected with your bedroom’s environment.
If you have a tranquil space where you feel secure, comfortable, and peaceful, this will raise your energy vibration before you fall asleep.
Here are some things you can do to create the best environment in your bedroom:
- Keep your room uncluttered. If you have a cluttered bedroom, your mind will find it hard to relax.
- Keep your bedroom a technology-free zone, i.e., don’t use your mobile or watch TV in bed.
- Furnish and decorate your room with comforting colors and objects.
- Ensure that your bed and bedcovers are warm and cozy.
- Listen to calming music.
- Use essential oils.
“Let the night take you. Let the stars evaporate into your dreams. Let sleep be the only comfort for you to believe.”
Anthony Liccione
2. Write a scripting journal before you sleep
For me, one of the most effective things I started to do that boosted my ability to manifest when I was asleep was write a scripting journal before I went to bed.
A scripting journal is basically writing a diary about what you want to manifest, but as if you already have it. It focuses your conscious and subconscious mind on what you want so that you will enter your dreams with these intentions firmly in place.
So, for example, if you write about the house of your dreams or the relationship that you want, you will probably dream about them. It turns your dreams into movies where you can visualize what you want, making your manifestation even stronger.
It’s a lot of fun writing a scripting journal as the idea is to make it your perfect life. This, in turn, will ensure that you are in a very good mood with a high vibrational frequency as you fall asleep. You will be more aligned to your desires in the non-physical realm, so they will start to come towards you faster.
3. Make sleep a priority
Earlier on, I mentioned that you should find your own rhythm when it comes to sleep, and I stand by that, but it is also important to make sure that you get sufficient sleep. Being rested will mean that you wake up with a high vibrational frequency that will carry on throughout the following day.
Rather than waiting until you are at the point of falling asleep on the sofa, it’s better for your body if you go to bed when you still feel relatively alert. This means that your mood is still quite high, and the theory is that you wake up in the same mindset and spirit as you fall asleep in.
If you find it difficult to get to sleep, I suggest listening to a guided hypnosis track. I love those that are available through Hypnosis Live. They are great for making my manifestations happen faster, but they also help me fall asleep fast, which is excellent for me as I used to struggle to sleep.
“Sleep is an investment in the energy you need to be effective tomorrow.”
Tom Roth
4. Use visualization
Visualizing your perfect life where you have everything you want just before you go to sleep works as an excellent manifestation method, but it can also help you fall asleep.
If you can visualize everything in lots of detail, you will align your vibrational frequency to your desires, and it also sets the scene for your dream state to continue with.
You may not realize if you do not remember your dreams, but your subconscious will keep the visualization going that you started.
As happens when you write a scripting journal, after a while, if you focus on the same visualization, you will see that it begins to happen in your dreams.
When this occurs, it is a strong indicator that you are attracting your desires to the physical world from the non-physical realm.
“Visualize this thing that you want. See it, feel it, believe in it. Make it your mental blueprint, and begin to build.”
Robert Collier
5. Be grateful
Before going to sleep, another way to lift your vibrational frequency to prepare it for the most productive dream state is to spend some time considering everything you are grateful for.
As you lie on your bed, shut your eyes and contemplate all the events or things that you appreciate or are thankful for.
For example, something wonderful may have happened during the day that makes you feel grateful, or you may choose to concentrate on the present moment.
Turn your attention to the smooth feeling of the pillow under your head and the softness of the sheets on your skin. Appreciate the silence of the night and the fragrances of the essential oil that is diffusing in your room.
Feeling gratitude is one of the strongest, purest emotions that you can emit, generating the highest vibrations possible.
The basis of the Law of Attraction is that you attract what you put out into the Universe – like attracts like. Therefore, when you project such a strong, positive feeling like gratitude, you will manifest more events into your life for you to feel thankful for.
You may have heard that this is called to as being in the ‘receiving mode.’ When you fall asleep full of appreciation because you have counted your blessings, you will stay in the receiving mode throughout the night.
“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”
Willie Nelson
6. Listen to guided hypnosis tracks
Guided hypnosis tracks are an excellent way to attract your desires as you sleep because they put you into alignment with them.
You can use them as frequently as you like – some are specifically designed with endings that will leave you feeling refreshed so you can use them during the day, and others have been created for nighttime use.
If you are the kind of person who falls asleep quickly, you may benefit from using guided hypnosis because your subconscious mind will still be taking in the information, even if you have fallen asleep.
Alternatively, if you find it hard to switch your mind off and go to sleep, these tracks will also benefit you because you can focus on what they say, and you probably will not make it to the end!
The messages in these tracks target the subconscious mind, which is important because that is where our limiting beliefs are held. When we can change our subconscious mind, the ego has less control over us when it tries to scare us into staying in our comfort zone.
The more often you listen to guided hypnosis tracks, the more effective they will be.
As I mentioned earlier, I highly recommend Hypnosis Live audio tracks and the Law of Attraction one in particular because it has worked wonders for my manifestations and sends me to sleep really easily.
7. Use sleep affirmations
You may already be familiar with using affirmations as part of your manifestation routine. However, they can be used slightly differently when you want to tap into the power of sleep.
An affirmation is a positively worded sentence that is written in the first person and talks about what you desire, but as if you already have it. A few examples include:
- I live in my dream apartment.
- Money comes to me easily.
- I am healthy and have lots of energy.
- I am in a loving relationship.
Write your perfect affirmation on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow or at the side of your bed.
Lie down and close your eyes. Slow your breathing down and repeat your affirmation as if it were a mantra until you fall asleep.
If you wake up in the night, for whatever reason, repeat your affirmation again until you fall back to sleep.
If you find that you are too tired to remember what your affirmation was, remind yourself by looking at it and reading it. The most effective affirmations are short ones that are powerfully worded and not difficult to remember.
When you have done this for a few consecutive nights, you may find yourself saying your affirmation in your dreams. You may also see evidence of it coming true within your dreams which is part of the process and a signal that it is on its way to you.
Whatever you desire has to come to existence in the non-physical realm before it can be manifested in your physical world, so this is a great step in the journey.
“Whatever you hold in your mind on a constant basis is exactly what you will experience in life.”
Tony Robbins
8. Listen to subliminal affirmation tracks
If you find it difficult to think of how to write affirmations but really like the thought of them, another fantastic method you can try is listening to subliminal affirmation audio tracks.
Subliminal affirmations are similar to guided hypnosis in that they go straight to the subconscious mind. However, there is a difference between them, and that is that you will not physically hear the affirmations being spoken in subliminal tracks. The affirmations are there, but they bypass the conscious mind, so all you hear is the background music or sounds like a flowing river, waves, rain, etc.
The tracks are perfect if you like listening to music but find a voice-over a bit distracting or unsettling. Having someone’s voice talking you to sleep can seem a bit strange to some people.
As with guided hypnosis, subliminal tracks are more effective when you dedicate time to listening to them each night, as this will boost their power.
“Once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it.”
Joseph Murphy
9. Try lucid dreaming
Some people find it really easy to have lucid dreams, but for others, it’s more of a challenge.
In general, most people can achieve a lucid dream state if they are prepared to work at it.
As I mentioned earlier, a lucid dream is when you are conscious that you are asleep and dreaming. You are fully aware that you are safe in your bed, but your attention is within the dream.
One of the best things about lucid dreaming is the speed at which you can manifest things. It’s almost instant!
This means that you can think about an item or consider doing something, and within seconds, it’s there, or you’re doing it!
For those people who regularly have lucid dreams, they make the most of this fun state by manifesting all of the things that they can’t do in the physical world: for example, jumping off buildings, flying like a bird, or traveling into space to visit other planets.
You can generate unlimited things and experiences when you have a lucid dream. This is why it is such a powerful tool in your manifestation toolbox.
So, how do you have lucid dreams?
Well, to begin with, you need to allocate a trigger.
As an example, you may choose that the trigger is the palm of your hands. To fix this as your trigger, look closely at the palm of your hands at many points during the day – as often as you remember.
You are looking at them and studying what they look like when you are awake, and they are in the physical realm. Do this with real focus.
Keep checking your trigger at various times for a few days, and you will find that it turns into a habit.
You will notice that you start to do this while you are dreaming, but you will see that the palms of your hands have a different appearance.
When we dream, things don’t often look the same as they do in real life, or at least, they don’t keep that form.
If you try to stare at the palms of your hands in your dream, you will notice that they alter in some way. Perhaps they will change shape or color. Or maybe they will even turn into something other than your hands!
This will be the signal and trigger that confirms to you that you are in a dream state. Once you know this, it’s time to get creative and start manifesting your desires.
You don’t need to overthink it – keep it simple and state what you want with affirmations.
Here are some examples:
- I create my dream car now!
- I manifest my ideal job!
- I create my soulmate!
When you do this, you will see these things appear in your dream almost immediately.
This shows you the power of the Law of Attraction when it is activated in the non-physical realm. It is fast!
The more you try out attracting things into your dream state, you will see that your physical manifestations happen faster in the real world too!
“Not all lucid dreams are useful, but they all have a sense of wonder about them. If you must sleep through a third of your life, why should you sleep through your dreams, too?”
Stephen LaBerge
10. Use a dream diary
The idea behind keeping a dream diary is to open up lines of communication between you and the Universe so that you can receive more spiritual messages.
When we dream and enter the non-physical realm, we can connect with and receive messages from our higher selves plus other higher powers.
If you note down what happens in your dreams as soon as you wake up, you will notice if any patterns are developing. Your dreams will be full of signs that are there to point you in the right direction – towards your destiny.
When you write down what you remember from your dreams and analyze what happened, it will become easier to interpret what you must do next. As you take steps to follow the guidance that the Universe or your higher power has shown you, that gives a clear signal that you are willing to follow their wisdom. This will raise your vibration and mean that you receive even more messages to keep following and manifest your desires even faster.
Many books have been written about dream guidance, and there is a lot of information available if you would like to learn more. Some amazing things have been achieved during the dream state. For example, in 1816, Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein after a vivid dream, and in 1905, Albert Einstein had a dream that led him to discover the theory of relativity!
We are always receiving messages from the Universe; we just have to learn how to recognize and interpret them.
“Trust in dreams for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.”
Kahlil Gibran
Summing up
When I started researching more about the incredible power of sleep vibrations, I was amazed!
But it seems like a lot of people underrate it or perhaps simply aren’t aware of how to harness this power in connection with their manifestation routine.
That is why I decided that this needed to be my next focus for an article.
As sleep is something that we all do every day, and it is like a key to accessing the subconscious mind, I wanted to raise people’s awareness of the possibilities that are within easy reach.
If it is practical to do so, next time you experience resistance or stress or low mood, spend a few moments lifting your vibration and then have a short sleep to reset your alignment.
I have given you all the information you need to supercharge your manifestation abilities when you are asleep. Now, it’s over to you!
I wish you sweet dreams, and I hope that your reality becomes even sweeter.
An extra tip!
As you fall asleep, one of the most important things is maintaining your vibrational energy at a high level.
This energy will transfer into the dream and work as the magnet that attracts what you want to manifest. This frequency aligns you with your desires in the non-physical realm and is why manifesting while you sleep is so powerful.
However, this isn’t always easy.
Sometimes, as we fall asleep, our ego and conscious mind go quiet, and our subconscious becomes more active. Thoughts that have been hidden all day start to come to the surface, and often, they are negative ones. When they are negative, they cause our high vibration to drop, which can get in the way of our ability to manifest.
You may not even have been aware that you had these thoughts as they were probably deeply hidden but have been provoked by something that has happened during the day or where you have been.
Have you ever had a great day and fallen asleep feeling amazing, but you felt negative and sad by the next morning? This deterioration is down to your subconscious mind releasing some troublesome thoughts that mess with your positive energy.
But don’t worry, there are things that you can do to keep your vibrations lifted – even when you are asleep.
The most beneficial thing that I have found, which helped me immensely with my manifestations, has been guided hypnosis.
The way that it works is to deal with your subconscious mind and rewire any negative thoughts that are buried in there, which may be getting in the way of you manifesting your dream life. When you can alter your subconscious and change your beliefs, you will find that you experience improved mood, energy levels, and welfare in general.
It is like opening a portal to the Universe through which your dreams will travel.
If you haven’t done it already, I encourage you to go straight to the Hypnosis Live page and download your free guided hypnosis track. You can choose from a number of them and get started on your manifestation journey this evening. The best way to listen to them is through headphones so that you don’t have any distractions and can be fully immersed in the track.
I have had some incredible successes with their audios, and I would love to hear how you get on!
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