Affirmations & Visualizations

Is it possible to manifest things for other people?

Once you’ve discovered the power of the Law of Attraction and how you can attract things into your own life, perhaps you are wondering if you can help others by manifesting things for them?

Maybe a family member is having some trouble financially, or a friend is desperately trying to find a decent partner to have a loving relationship, or a work colleague wants to get fitter. 

Because you care about them, you want the Universe to give them everything they want in the way it is doing for you. 

The Law of Attraction is amazing and powerful. I’m sure if you’re reading this article, you’ve probably had some personal experience of attracting incredible things into your life. 

But now you’re wondering if you can share some of the power and use this tool to deliver things to other people? 

In a nutshell, the answer is no.  

Well, not in the way you imagine that you might be able to do it.

As humans, we each have our own vibrational energy that emits an individual frequency into the Universe. This energy wave depends on and changes according to our emotions, behavior, and thoughts. 

It is this vibrational frequency that the Universe then copies and replicates, which means that we manifest situations and events that will give us more of the emotions, thoughts, and actions that we had in the first place. Like attracts like. 

In order to attract something on someone else’s behalf, you would need to be in charge of their energy. You would have to control every thought, emotion, and behavior to ensure that they vibrate with the ‘correct’ frequency to manifest what they want. And this is impossible because they have free will to act in any way they choose.

“To evoke the best from others, you must find a vibration that is a match to the best in others.” – Abraham Hicks

This also applies to us. In the same way that we can’t control other people’s thoughts and emotions, they can’t control ours unless we let them. What I mean by this is that if someone is trying to change us or upset us, we have control over our response and our vibrational energy. No matter what happens, we can choose to keep our energy high and positive.   

“Let others vibrate as they vibrate and want the best for them. Never mind how they’re flowing to you. You concentrate on how you’re flowing. Because one who is in alignment with Source is more powerful, more influential than millions who are not.” – Abraham Hicks  

So, as you can see, whatever your friend, family member, or colleague attracts is linked to their energy output, which you are not in charge of. 

But wait! All is not lost! I’m going to talk about three methods you can use to steer them towards the path of manifesting what you feel they deserve in their lives. 

While you can’t attract it for them, you can compel them to lift their vibrational level with a little bit of guidance!

I can assure you that these work because I have implemented them with my own circle of friends and family and have seen excellent results. They don’t even have to know anything about the Law of Attraction! 

1.) Be a Good Role Model

If one of the people closest to you is not living their best life, they may be manifesting their surrounding circumstances via their restrictive thinking, negativity, and perhaps even depression. 

We all get more of what we put out into the world.

So, for this person to attract more positive things, you can give them a gentle nudge to raise their energy and vibration level, which will bring them closer to the optimal frequency needed to manifest. 

The best way to do this is by doing it yourself! Show them how it’s done and be a good role model. 

If you shine with positive vibes and attract what you want, your results will speak volumes! 

In the same way that if someone is constantly negative, it can drain your energy to spend time with them; positive energy also rubs off on people, but in a good way! 

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Roth

If this saying is true for all of us, some of your vibrations will inevitably affect them when you are positive around other people. Your good mood will lift theirs, meaning that they start thinking more positive thoughts and doing things with more purpose. Instead of focusing on the negatives, they will be more inclined to recognize the positive things in their lives and become more open to the possibility of a bright future. 

Here are a few ways you can be a good role model:

  • Always be kind and speak positively about life, the future, and other people. 
  • Don’t judge anyone. If someone wants to share their problems with you, be open and listen to them.
  • Say positive things to people. When you can see that someone has positive qualities, name them to the individual. For them, it is like they are hearing their positive affirmations being said out loud, and it will really boost their vibrational frequency. 
  • Tell people about your dreams and wishes. This will encourage them to think positively about their future and what is achievable. Inspire them to imagine their goals as vividly as possible. 
  • Invite them to go for a walk with you because doing exercise in nature is an excellent mood-booster. 
  • Talk to them with the conviction that you can achieve your goals, and so can they.
  • Discuss things in your life that you are grateful for and invite them to add to the conversation. 

At the same time as boosting other people’s vibrational frequencies, when you use positivity as a tool to motivate others, you will also elevate your own energy even higher. 

2.) Speak Their Language

Some of your friends and family will not be experts in the Law of Attraction like we are. They might have never even heard of it! So there’s no surprise if they are unfamiliar with the terminology, including vibrational frequencies, affirmations, alignment, manifestations, etc. It probably sounds like a foreign language! 

However, someone doesn’t need to understand all this terminology or even be as interested in the Law of Attraction as you or me to connect with it.

You need to speak their language when talking to them about it. For example, if using all the official words would make them instantly switch off and lose interest, make it more meaningful and understandable for them. After all, you know them well, so you know what makes them tick and how they like to speak. 

Recently, a friend of mine went through a difficult time as she had lost her job and was trying to get a new one. She had applied to so many job adverts but was unsuccessful every time. 

Each time she was rejected, it made her feel worse and more and more hopeless. I could understand why she felt disappointed, defeated, and in despair. She started to think that she would never get another job, and even as she applied for other jobs, she would tell me that she thought it was a waste of time. 

I was aware that she knew a bit about the Law of Attraction as we’d had brief conversations about it in the past. However, I was sure she wouldn’t appreciate it if I said something like, “I think your internal mantras are probably quite negative right now, which is leading to resistance. Your vibrational frequency isn’t aligned correctly to attract your manifestations.”

I think this would have sent her over the edge! 

So I decided to say this to her instead: “I know you’ve been so dedicated and persistent applying for jobs and that so far, you haven’t got a new one, but we know that they weren’t the right ones for you. The perfect job is on its way, and it’s the reason that you didn’t get any of the other ones. Remain positive, keep looking and applying, and your ideal job is going to come to you. You’ll see that this whole process was mean to happen!”

Everything I said linked with the Law of Attraction, but I didn’t use any of the ‘official terms.’ I spoke to her in a way that she would understand and that resonated with her on a much more personal level. 

That was the boost that she needed to keep going. She didn’t need me to talk about frequencies or affirmations. But she did need to hear something that made sense and help her regain faith in herself and hope for the future. 

Just over two weeks later, my friend was offered a job with better pay, terms, and conditions than any of the previous jobs she had applied for. It was the exact type of job she was looking for, and she was thrilled. She recognized that she would have missed out on this amazing opportunity if she had been offered any of the other jobs she had applied for.

So the key to this step is to alter the way you deliver the message to each person. Alter the language you use depending on who you are talking to. The overall general message can be the same, but the person has to understand it to take it in and act on it. 

3.) Practice Ho’oponopono

Ho’oponopono is an ancient practice that originates from Hawaii. It is a simple method that involves saying a 4-stage mantra to the Universe or your higher self to ask for forgiveness, heal and purify yourself.

Ho’oponopono means to correct an error, and when we talk about an error, that can be a negative thought, limiting belief, or bad karma. 

The fundamental prayer is:

  • I love you
  • I’m sorry
  • Please forgive me
  • Thank you

You can say it using only these words, or you can expand on your reasons, for example, explaining what you are sorry for, etc. You can say the four elements in any order, and you generally say them internally rather than out loud. Over time, this mantra can become your self-talk instead of the negative, critical voice that we sometimes hear.

The concept behind Ho’oponopono is that you are responsible for everything that exists within your world because you are the creator of your environment. 

When you practice Ho’oponopono and say the prayer repeatedly, you are purifying yourself and affecting your environment. You can impact everything from your way of life, behavior and thoughts, to things external to you, including other people.

The way that this works with other people is that you cleanse and purify your judgment of them. If you are in control of everything in your environment, then you are responsible for any bad things that other people do. This may be linked to karma and things that are connected to your past incarnations.

Joe Vitale wrote a book about Ho’oponopono called ‘Zero Limit,’ and in it, he featured an amazing story about Dr. Hew Len. Dr. Len worked as a Clinical Psychiatrist in Hawaii State Hospital on the ward that accommodated mentally ill criminals who were too dangerous to be in the general prison population. 

Rather than dealing with the patients through therapeutic interventions, Dr. Len didn’t even meet them. Instead, each day he would read through their files, absorbing the information about the crimes committed, and then say the 4-step prayer, asking for forgiveness for those crimes as if they were his own. He accepted the responsibility for the prisoners and didn’t heal them; he healed himself. 

Over the course of a few years, all of the patients were healed. Eventually, the ward closed because all of the prisoners could be transferred back to normal prisons.

What an incredible case study about the influence we can have on other people!

Ok, so let’s summarize what we’ve covered. 

While you cannot directly manifest things for other people, you can definitely influence them to raise their vibrational frequency so that they are more aligned to attract what they desire. 

The three ways we have covered to positively influence those people close to us are:

Be a Good Role Model: Leading by example will naturally influence other people. Positivity is as contagious (if not more so) as negativity. If you live your life following the Law of Attraction and manifest your goals, other people will see that and want to follow your lead. 

When you help others raise their vibrational frequency, they will find it easier to attract what they want into their lives. 

Speak Their Language: It’s really important to recognize that people can learn about and use the Law of Attraction without having to know or understand the ‘official terminology.’ The message is what’s important, and you can help other people with their understanding by changing the way you explain it to them. Use words that make sense to the individual so that they resonate with what you’re saying and can benefit from it. 

Practice Ho’oponopono: This simple, four-step Hawaiian prayer could be your solution if you want to influence other people and change their lives. It’s a very powerful process that involves repeating a mantra to your higher self or the Universe to correct something wrong in your world. Ho’oponopono is based on you being the creator of everything in your environment, including other people, so you ask for forgiveness and heal yourself in order to help others.

Good luck with helping those people who are important to you. Your empathy is commendable, but remember to keep your own vibration high, so you remain aligned to your destiny, even when others are not as positive or dedicated to the Law of Attraction as you are. 

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