Tips & Methods

5 ways to develop your ability to tell the future

Can you imagine how your life would be if you knew what would happen in the future? 

Think how easy it would be to make those difficult decisions we often face concerning work, money, relationships, etc. If you could accurately predict the consequences of your choice, decisions would seem so much more straightforward, and we would reduce our stress levels dramatically.

As you will appreciate, having the ability to foresee your own destiny is life-changing because you can ensure success in any area of your life. 

What would you say if I said that it’s not just people with psychic abilities who have spiritual intuition? 

The truth is that there is only one person in the world who can access your psychic intuitiveness at its deepest level – and that is you! 

We all have a spiritual instinct that we can tap into. Some people find they can easily and quickly develop this skill, but for others, it takes longer to refine. 

Today, we’re going to look at five ways to evolve and strengthen your intuition, plus I’ll give you some advice on how you can forecast your own future.

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

1.) Establish a Structured, Time-Protected Meditation Routine

If you’re reading this article, I imagine that you already have plenty of meditation experience, and you may even have previously done some work on your developing your spirituality. However, it is important to note that if you wish to cultivate and enhance your metaphysical skills, setting aside protected time to focus on your breathing is essential. 

As human beings, we tend to project everything out into the Universe. We transmit our thoughts and feelings externally, and the majority of our actions are outward-focused because we usually engage with other people or external services for support. 

But, if we’re continually emitting our own message, when do we stop and listen to the feedback that is coming to us from the Universe? We need to change our focus to be able to access our heart center. When we start to pay attention, it is then that we can receive spiritual messages and will develop our intuition to be able to understand them and what they mean for our future. 

Abraham Hicks termed this state of meditation the ‘receiving mode,’ which I think is perfect terminology. When meditating, your usual barriers recede, so you are spiritually more receptive and prepared to receive direction from the Universe. 

These periods of silence mean that you have stopped your constant projecting, and you are just in a receptive state, paying attention to anything that comes to you. 

I highly recommend that you try implementing a daily meditation routine. For 20 minutes a day, sit quietly, breathe deeply and relax. Commit to doing this for 30 days, and you will be amazed at how much your spiritual intuitiveness will develop. 

You will not only find that you receive premonitions and intuitive feelings when meditating each day, but you will also feel more in-tune and spiritually connected to the Universe even outside of your meditation sessions. This will lead to an increased sense of certainty and confidence when making regular decisions, and you will experience a sense of spiritual support. 

2.) Pay Attention to Your Body

It might surprise you to discover that you have constant access to a device that is one of the strongest instruments you can use to recognize and understand your intuition: your body.

Has there been a time when you were in a situation that didn’t feel right? You had an uncomfortable sensation in the pit of your stomach or felt agitated for some reason that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Or, in a more positive example, have you ever listened to a beautiful song with lyrics that send shivers throughout your whole body because you feel completely aligned with the sentiment? 

These reactions and sensations are being generated and guided by your intuition. 

When working on developing your psychic intuitiveness, regularly check in with yourself, asking, “What sensations am I experiencing in my body?”

It’s a lot more challenging to disregard things that are physically happening within your body, but neglecting what you may experience spiritually can be very easy. Your intuition is trying to communicate with you by giving you these symptoms, so listen to your body and literally ‘trust your gut.’ 

3.) Use Various Methods

In relation to foreseeing your future, the type of tools or methods you can use to help you are a standalone topic. There is a multitude of approaches you can take to boost and support your spiritual evolution.  

The primary thing to consider when using spiritual tools is to establish a bond with the item you’re going to use. Take your time, and let a transfer of energy occur between you and your divination device, whether that is crystals, tarot cards, runes, a crystal ball, or tea leaves! 

Equipment or spiritual apparatus such as these can help facilitate the process of tuning into your psychic intuition.

I recently got into biorhythms, and I love it! 

The basic idea behind it is that we all come into the world with an individual, unparalleled energy, and biorhythm. It doesn’t just relate to your heartbeat, but that is an element of it.

If you do work on your unique biorhythm, you can improve three areas of your life: physical, emotional, and intellectual. Based on things such as your birthdate, you are born into certain biorhythms, and it is possible to forecast which days will be the best or worst for your career, love life, finances, etc. 

I have got into a daily morning routine of studying my biorhythm, and when I do this, plus tune into my instincts, it has been easy to foresee some future events.

4.) Write in a Journal

Writing in a journal is another fantastic method of accessing your intuition to look into what the future holds. I’m going to explain two journaling processes that you can use. 

Recognizing Patterns:

This involves writing a daily diary with a view to being able to recognize significant patterns or routines that repeat themselves in your life. For example, you might realize that you are more energetic and productive on sunny days or that you have a burning desire to start a new project every time there is a new moon. 

You might identify patterns that link to your thoughts and behaviors within your intimate relationships, or they may be about your relationship with yourself. 

The facility to recognize recurring patterns gives you a foundational base on which to predict future events or behavior, and the daily journal writing process aligns you with your intuition. 

Automatic writing:

The second journaling method is known as automatic writing.

It is done as part of an exercise where you enter into a meditative state and write down messages you receive from your spirit guides or higher spiritual self. 

Take a pen and piece of paper, and meditate for a while. When you are totally relaxed, try not to think about what words you may be writing, and just let them flow. They will be guided by the energy within you and by the Universe. 

If you require guidance or answers about a particular area of your life or something troubling you, you can focus your meditation session on a specific question and use your pen as the tool through which your guides will speak to you. 

5.) Look Closely at Your Dreams

Nearly everyone in the world will have at least one forecasting dream with an element of prediction. This demonstrates how powerful the dream-state is and how closely connected it is to spirituality and divination. 

But the question is, how can we direct and inspire our dreams to be more like divine, accurate visions of the future and less like a jumbled mess? 

The answer lies in reflection.

As I said earlier, spiritual intuition is a skill that needs to be developed. You can’t just sit back, pay a little bit of attention to it from time-to-time, and expect it to fine-tune on its own.  

When you contemplate and reflect on your dreams, as happens when writing a daily diary, you being to notice patterns. Our spirit guides may not choose to communicate with us via language as we use it on a daily basis. They may give us messages through symbols or images that they convey telepathically, which is where dreams can be so important. 

As you consider your dreams and look at them alongside your life and the events that are taking place, you will learn how to decipher the code and therefore be able to interpret the message and its meaning. 

When you reflect on and analyze your dreams, you are more able to recognize the messages you’re receiving, meaning that you’re able to reciprocate the communication with your spirit guides effectively. 

I would recommend that you start to maintain a dream journal, noting down every single dream or part of a dream that you remember when you wake up. They don’t have to make sense at the time, as in the future, you may recognize patterns or see that they were smaller pieces of a bigger picture. 

This process will also lead to your dream state becoming more vibrant, and you will start to realize that you are receiving many more messages and communications that act as forecasting tools for the future. 

It’s always important to acknowledge the guidance and take some action on the back of it because this signals to your spirit guides and the Universe that you are receptive and ready for more. This is an essential process, regardless of whether you are using tarot cards, journaling, or reading the tea leaves. This acknowledgment will reinforce your affiliation and bond with the metaphysical world and is an excellent way of enhancing your spiritual intuition. 

To sum up, I hope you can see that the ability to foresee the future is not limited to prophets or spiritual guides. We all have a 6th sense that we can tap into; it is a skill that can be developed along with any other, should we choose to. 

However, there is one essential thing to note. Never forget how much power you have when it comes to creating your own destiny. As valuable and useful as it is to increase your spiritual intuition skill of predicting the future, you can always alter it if you don’t like what you see.  

As human beings living on earth, our spirituality reminds us that we always have freedom of choice. Our future is not predetermined and inescapable. We can create an alternative path and life if we dislike what we are shown by our higher self or spirit guides. 

I want to encourage you to go ahead and explore and develop your psychic intuition but always remember one thing: your ultimate fate is determined by how you embody your thoughts, feelings, and actions. You can create a life full of love and light. Your journey to spiritual enlightenment and a real sense of connection to the Universe is about to begin! 
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