Affirmations & Visualizations

10 indicators you’re experiencing a spiritual awakening

Have you noticed that there seems to be an increasing number of people who are experiencing a spiritual awakening in today’s society? Do you think this is a coincidence? 

Well, no – it is not a fluke.
Spiritual evolution is increasing at an incredible rate – one like we have never seen before during any age on earth. In relation to humanity in general, this journey is an important and positive one.
But beware; the road is not all sunshine and roses.

So, what classes as a spiritual awakening? 

When you start to truly notice the authentic nature of the reality around you, that is known as experiencing a spiritual awakening. 

It is so-called because it is similar to the moment when you wake up from a dream that seemed so real you were sure it was true, but then you start to realize that it was all fantasy. You awaken to the fact that it was an illusion – nothing, not even the person you thought you were, is real. 

You have dedicated your entire life to developing and constructing your own sense of identity. You have been influenced by many things in your environment since birth, including culture, religion, politics – even the type of society you lived in. Your sense of self shines through the style of clothes you wear, the music you listen to, the hobbies and interests you pursue, the type of friends you have, etc.

Or at least, you thought it did. 

In actual fact, all of these constructs of your identity are just part of the illusion.  

When you awaken to the true nature of reality, you will discover that it a much more than the limited, internally-directed viewpoint that your ego has given you since childhood. It can be a challenging process and a complicated realization to handle. 

But it is a valuable and worthwhile journey, as you’re moving towards a world-level view of a united awareness that will lead to feeling more empathy for others, plus a closer bond with the Universe in general. 

Are you feeling overwhelmed yet?
Inhale deeply. 

The first thing for me to reassure you of is that if you feel you’re in the process of spiritual awakening right now, you’re definitely not on your own!
I’m will guide you through some of the most frequently experienced indications and processes that people go through during a spiritual awakening. The process does vary for each individual, so you may not identify with every sign and symptom that I am going to cover, but that’s okay – we all have our own journey to spiritual awareness. 

The path is not always totally straight either, and you might go a different route to someone else, so while I have written things in a specific order, it might not be the exact sequence you experience. 

You may read this article and believe that you have passed through some of these stages but then find yourself going through them again in a few months. That’s okay too.
Spiritual awakening is not a sprint to the finish line; it’s a leisurely walk, so you have time to explore your surroundings. 

So, are you currently undergoing a spiritual awakening?
Let’s take a look at the ten most frequently experienced symptoms and you can see how many you identify with. 

 “The dreamer dreams, and the dreamer within the dream dreams.” – Jane Roberts

1.) Your dreams increase in clarity:

An initial indication that you’re starting the spiritual awakening process is when your dreams become much more vivid. They appear to reveal information to you, and some can even have an element of precognition to them. You may also begin to have lucid dreams where you are aware that you are dreaming. You also have a much better capacity to remember your dreams in greater detail.  

As you experience a spiritual awakening, your entire awareness becomes heightened. This means that not only are you more aware of the reality of the physical world, but you also have an increased awareness in non-physical realms such as when dreaming. 

A great deal of deep self-reflection and shadow work can be undertaken in an enhanced dream state. This process and practice will prove very useful and enlightening as you encounter each of these ten signs and symptoms. 

2.) You have elevated sensitivity levels: 

As you become more spiritually aware and awake, it is common to experience increased sensitivity levels. This may manifest in heightened empathy towards other’s thoughts and feelings. You may feel more sensitive than usual and have more robust physical and emotional responses to the joy and sorrow you see in other people. Your heightened sensitivity may open up a new chapter in your life containing increased compassion on an individual or community level. When it comes to issues that affect the world, these touch you even more. 

You may notice that your psychic intuition also increases. You are more in tune with your intuition and find that you can interpret signs or feelings easier and more accurately. 

You may also discover that you have an increased sensitivity within your own body. Many people choose to alter their diet during a spiritual awakening because they start to feel ill or uncomfortable after eating processed foods with high levels of unnatural, synthetic additives. It can be a strange experience when foods that you’ve eaten in abundance in the past suddenly start to make you feel uncomfortable and sensitive. It is all part of the spiritual awakening process and happens because you are finally accessing and relating to your authentic self. 

Some indications of food sensitivity are:
Problems with digestion
Pain in the stomach
Problems with concentration levels



Increased irritability
Elevated heart rate
Trembling or shivering

Remaining unawakened and unenlightened is similar to living life in a dream. Once you are aware that you can choose to wake up, not doing so is a conscious decision to mask the real you. You accept the illusion and resign yourself to live as if you were a character in the film of your life. You are blanking out the more in-depth, authentic thoughts, feelings, sensations, and intuitive experiences of your mind and physical body. 

Your vibration increases through the awakening process, allowing any buried feelings and sensations to arise and be noticed. Shadow work and periods of self-reflection are also excellent methods of supporting this process of self-discovery. 

When you do deep introspection, you create opportunities for hidden and repressed feelings to surface. This is an integral part of the process as it allows for self-healing and acknowledgment of previously buried sensitivities. 

If all of this becomes too difficult or demanding at any time, make sure you take a break and give yourself time to recharge. Your mind, body, and soul will guide you down the right path if you look after yourself and practice self-care regularly. As we said before, this is not a race, and you may need to give yourself time and space to take this stage slowly.

3.) You worry that you’re losing your mind

One of the other early indications that you’re going through a spiritual awakening is when you feel that you’re going crazy. It often comes from when you start to recognize that your ego, self-identity, and previous view of the world begin to break down because you start to see gaps in the conditioning you’ve received throughout your life. 

When this happens and you begin to question everything about yourself, you could even experience an identity crisis. This could result in anger, confusion, and even depression because it may feel like you are mourning the death of the person you thought you were prior to this awakening experience. This stage is often called “the dark night of the soul.”
However, instead of experiencing negativity during this phase, you might find that you have the opposite reaction and feel deliriously happy, unshackled, and liberated from physical reality.  

The most usual is to swing from one side to the other. This rollercoaster ride of emotional turmoil, which often occurs during a spiritual awakening, can be challenging, so there is no wonder that you might worry you’re losing the plot at times. As in the previous phase, self-care and preservation are really important at this time. Be patient with yourself and allow time and space to go with the flow of the ups and downs, rather than right against them. You can’t hurry it to finish: you have to wait until the rollercoaster comes to the end of the ride and levels off again. Just take each twist and turn as it comes and let each “absurd” notion, idea, or emotion flow through you, filling yourself with love and self-acceptance.  

4.) You notice changes to friendships

It’s quite usual to see changes to your circle of friends during the course of a spiritual awakening. When you think about it, as you start to deconstruct your ego and former sense of self-identity, there’s no real surprise that either you or your friends may begin to feel that you don’t get on as well as you did in the past. 

It can occur as a natural, drifting apart of the relationship as you tend to see each other less, rather than a definitive “break-up” or “falling-out.” There is a possibility that this can lead to your spiritual awakening seeming and feeling like an isolating process; it’s all part of the journey. 

As time goes on, you will find that you naturally attract and manifest connections and friendships with people who are more in sync with your new mindset and view of yourself and the world. 

You can still maintain links with your old friends. Even if people aren’t entirely on the same page as you with the same belief systems, it doesn’t mean they don’t love you and respect you. They have their journey, and you have yours. Both are perfect in their own way.  

5.) You do more self-reflection: 

As you may be able to predict, the process of spiritual awakening can open the gates to more self-healing as previously repressed experiences come forward, such as trauma and personal shadows. 

When doing regular shadow work on past trauma, your self-reflection and healing level gets deeper and deeper each time. The purpose of self-reflection is to move away from issuing blame to stepping into a position of strength where you can grow from the lessons the trauma has left you with. It’s about taking personal responsibility to no longer see yourself as a victim but as a survivor with a legacy.

Self-reflection does not mean that you take on the blame for past trauma or that you try to manipulate or change your thoughts and feelings. What it does focus on, however, is self-empowerment with the end goal of being open and honest when working with past experiences to understand them, learn and recover from them, and rebuild for the future. 

Methods that encourage and actively promote self-reflection include journaling, meditation, and deep contemplation shadow work. Spiritual awakenings can often lead to the epiphany of comprehending that you are the master and creator of your own reality, and this is a crucial part of the process. 

When you realize how much creative power you have, you will have a more natural tendency to self-reflect. Why wait for other people to heal you when you can do it yourself? You will quickly develop a thirst for self-healing, growth, and being in control of your future. 

6.) You interrupt ancestral trauma cycles:

We have already talked about spiritual awakening pushing you to deal with the shadows that surface from deep inside your unconscious. Often these are very individual to you, but sometimes they can be linked to ancestral trauma cycles. These are generally models of negative behavior and self-deprecating characteristics or features that have been passed on, unchallenged, throughout your family for years. 

Dealing with and acknowledging these old, entrenched behaviors can initially be painful and uncomfortable. However, recognition and the acceptance of ancestral trauma cycles are the first steps in the healing process. Through spiritual awakening, you will become able to take control, breaking the repetitive cycle that has come before you, ensuring that it will not transgress to future generations. 

7.) You are less judgmental: 

One of the myths presented to us by the ego is the illusion of detachment. The ego would have us believe that we are each disconnected from the other and “the all”. These feelings of division and separation lead to judgment, with the ego saying, “This is right, and that is wrong”, or “This is good, and that is bad.”

I’m not saying that the ego or judgment are intrinsically bad or negative. The ego requires us to employ our judgment as a way to safeguard us from harm. We have to be able to make a rapid assessment about the safety and suitability of a person or situation. If our ego judges there to be danger or risk involved, then we will feel that something is wrong. 

However, the issue we have in today’s society is that the ego (hand-in-hand with judgment) has magnified its analysis as humanity has developed and evolved.
In the past, the ego employed judgment to defend us from physical harm. In contrast, now it pushes us to make judgments based on false and often factually inaccurate perceptions of the ego-identity. The ego formulates judgments based on theories that it also protects, such as beliefs, self-esteem, lifestyle choices, personal opinions, etc. The consequence of this is that someone who is not spiritually awakened will tend to judge people who contradict or threaten their sense of self – regardless of how false it might be.

Let’s have a look at some examples of when this might happen. 

– To protect themselves from feeling financially inadequate or inferior, a person may negatively judge someone who makes a lot of money. 

– To protect their own belief that people who don’t make much money contribute less and are therefore lower class, inferior citizens, a person may negatively judge someone’s lack of funds.

– If someone is worried or afraid that their beliefs and views are wrong, they may negatively judge a person’s religious or political opinions.
These examples are all perceived by the ego as direct threats. 

When a person becomes spiritually awakened, they can bypass the illusion of polarization supported by the ego. They are starting to understand and accept the idea of a united consciousness with less judgment and more acceptance of difference. 

It arises from recognizing that the disconnect between people comes from the evolution and development of individual egos, which occurred prior to the awakening. Breaking through the false self-identity, people start to recognize the connections between themselves and others.

8.) You find your flow: 

Another indicator that you’re experiencing a spiritual awakening is when you feel that you have found your flow. This means you feel that you have discovered your purpose, your reason for being in the world. You experience a state of flow when you lose track of time in what you’re doing, and you can be as absorbed and enthusiastic in your work as you can in your hobbies.

Once you release and liberate yourself from inner resistance, you generate a flow state. Your productivity levels may go through the roof, and you might feel like you’re flying through tasks, achieving things at a pace that you’ve never reached before. 

Resistance can come from within, but it can also come from a pressure that society applies on us to do things “the right way.” Rather than have independence, an unawakened community calls for members to follow their rules and narrative, blanketed and promoted as if it were objective truth. 

When you start to awaken and see through the false narratives, the societal pressures begin to dissipate. This means that you can discover your flow and follow your own path towards your authentic, true self. It will feel like a second childhood as you lose yourself in the enjoyment and creativity that comes when you are free from societal constraints. 

9.) You welcome authenticity:

The process of a spiritual awakening is not aimed at eliminating the ego, despite what is commonly believed within the spiritual community. As I mentioned earlier, the ego is not innately evil or bad. Its purpose is actually to support you in growing and developing as a person, but it wants to keep you safe. 

Therefore, it is possible to accept and acknowledge the person you have become so far, but release your attachment and reliance on the false self and narrative of the ego. 

For example, the hobbies you’ve got and the interests you hold may have been conditioned by your environment and society, but that doesn’t mean that you have to give them up as you separate yourself from your ego. If you truly enjoy doing something, embrace your genuine love for it. 

Welcome the person you are with open arms. You have been through a unique, incredible journey to arrive where you are in this lifetime, so accept yourself as you are. Embrace your new, authentic, genuine self. 

As it’s been a major driving force for you your entire life, the ego’s destruction or demise will not be instant. Society will keep trying to condition us all, and the ego will occasionally rise up. Therefore, it will not be possible to evade or avoid the ego, but you can increase your awareness of when it’s trying to influence you. When you recognize this, it means that you can live more authentically, releasing attachment to how it has conditioned in the past and choosing to ignore its narrative. 

10.) You discover your joy:

This is the last of the indicators I’m going to share with you today, and it’s a lovely one! When going through a spiritual awakening, it’s quite normal to find yourself experiencing unparalleled peaks of happiness and unadulterated joy. 

In modern society, we are so used to getting a dopamine rush through external stimuli. However, when we become spiritually awakened, we are much more present and aware at all times, so even the simplest of things can bring incredible joy. Examples include:

– The sound of birds chirping in the trees.

– The feeling of the sun on your face. 

– The smell of freshly cut grass. 

You might even find that you experience peak joy just watching a bee pollinate a flower while you’re sitting outside. 

Before your spiritual awakening, you may have found some simple chores boring and mundane, but now you might discover that you really enjoy doing them. This could lead to you taking up an old hobby again because your childhood memories have reignited interest and joy. 

When experiencing these peak periods of happiness and joy, everything seems like you are playing a game. A world of opportunities opens up before you because nothing seems boring or mundane anymore. There is joy in every task and all things. Truly make the most of and treasure these moments as they are a blessing. 

When you realize that you can see the charm and beauty and feel unconditional love for all things, it is proof that you are no longer unawakened. You have opened your eyes and become spiritually awakened to your authentic essence.

“Stay present, alert, connected with the power of now and the power of awareness which is who you truly are.” – Eckhart Tolle.

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