Tips & Methods

How to read auras

Do you sometimes feel uncomfortable when certain people come too close to you?Or do you occasionally feel uneasy when you are in a busy place, and it’s impossible to stay away from people? 

Are you someone who is protective of your personal space, so don’t like it when people invade it? 

This unsettling sensation is produced when someone infringes on your aura or when their aura clashes with yours. 

Sometimes we meet people that we instantly feel uneasy or uncomfortable with. Or we might enter a room and immediately have a feeling that something bad has happened or that someone is upset. This is all connected with our auras. 

All living beings have an aura, which is an electromagnetic energy field that emanates into the atmosphere around them. We project a certain energy, depending on who we are, and we can sense the energy fields of other people.   

This is what you can perceive when there are a lot of people concentrated in one space. They have different types of energy: some will be positive, some negative, and all of them trying to exist in the same space. 

Our aura is part of our energy and can vary from one person to the next. An aura can be weak or strong, dull or bright, thick or light, and it is seen as a band of energy that surrounds living things. 

Whether it is a person, animal, or tree, every living thing on earth has an aura. In people, each aura consists of seven layers that are connected to the chakras (the energy centers of the body). It is not possible for the human senses to perceive all seven of these layers, but the most perceptible are the three layers that are closest to the body. 

There are several ways that auras can be seen. They can be viewed with the eyes open or spiritually when the eyes are closed. 

Using dim lighting is the best way to view auras. It’s even possible to see your own if you look at yourself in a mirror with a pale background behind you and in a lowly lit room. 

You need to avoid focusing directly on the person to see their aura. You need to try to look past the person. Visual auras tend to be seen more around the upper area of the body and the hands. So, you are more likely to notice colors around the head, neck, and shoulder zone of the body. 

The layers that tend to be most obvious are the etheric and mental layers which are the first and third ones.

Let’s take a closer look at each of the layers.  

Physical Aura 

The layer closest to the body is the etheric layer, which is also known as the physical aura. It represents the body: bones, organs, tissue, etc. It is connected to the root chakra and is usually blue/grey in color. It also denotes strengths and weaknesses in the body, physical growth, and touch.  This aura layer shines brighter in athletes and people who are very comfortable in their own skin. It is dimmer in people who have a weak immune system or who do not do much exercise. 

It is the easiest of the aura energy bands to see with the naked eye and is strong in people who know what they enjoy and indulge in life’s pleasures and comforts, including food and sex. 

Emotional Aura

Moving outwards, the second aura layer is the emotional aura. There is no fixed color for this band – it could be any color of the rainbow, depending on the individual. It represents feelings and moods and is linked to the sacral chakra. It is connected to self-esteem and how someone feels towards themselves. At times of intense emotional stress, this aura band becomes obstructed, making it muddy or dull. As is expected, this layer of the aura can change many times during the day as our mood shifts.

Mental Aura

The third layer is the mental aura which represents our thoughts, state of mind, and cognitive functions. This is the band that usually looks bright yellow in color and has the strongest radiation points around the head, neck, and shoulders. It is linked to the solar plexus chakra and shines brighter in people who tend to over-think things or often engage in mental challenges. It is sometimes possible to witness colorful sparks radiating from this aura band if the person is doing a creative activity. 

Astral Aura

The fourth layer is the astral aura which tends to be pink and represents the connections that we form with other people. It is linked to the heart chakra and brightens up when we have a strong sense of love in intimate relationships. This aura band can become dull if we are going through relationship difficulties or a breakup.

Etheric Template Aura

The fifth layer is the etheric template aura which can be seen as different colors. It represents our whole being as it exists on earth – the physical form of our body, but also our mind, personality, identity, and energy. It is connected to the throat chakra and can become stronger when you live your truth and remain authentic to who you really are. 

Celestial Aura

The sixth layer is the celestial aura and is connected with the third eye chakra. It generally appears to be a pearly white color and is represents our bond with our Higher Power (God, our spirit guides: whatever your Higher Power is to you). It has a powerful vibration in people who are spiritual and can be strengthened through unconditional love. People who have a highly developed celestial aura may be able to communicate with spirits from outside of our earthy realm, and they might receive messages or signs from them. 

Ketheric Template Aura

The seventh and most outward layer is the Ketheric Template aura and sits approximately 2-3 feet away from the body. It represents a complete connection with the Universe – being ‘at one’ with everything. It has the highest vibrational frequency and is gold in color. It is linked to the crown chakra, and this band contains all of the information about your previous souls and carnations. When your ketheric template is strong, it opens the path for you to connect with your Higher Power and increase your own spiritual or psychic abilities.                           

When it comes to reading and interpreting auras, it’s possible to consider the layers separately or as a whole aura. However, the bands do not stay physically separate, so the colors often merge together, sometimes appearing to change from one to another. One band (color) may be much more vibrant than the rest, depending on the person and what they’re going through at that precise moment. As you improve your skill of interpreting auras, you will become more adept at eliciting information from each of the different bands. 

Reading auras is not about passing judgment about whether the colors are positive or negative. They are just a visual representation that will indicate the present condition of the individual. Sometimes we are not fully aware of what is happening in our bodies. Perhaps we feel like we’re handling things really well, but our aura might show that we are feeling stressed or perhaps are not able to voice our truth in the way that we should. Aura readings can highlight things that we may be unaware of, leading us to be able to remedy them and strengthen our aura bands. 

The energy fields that we emit are constantly changing. We are living beings, so we are continually affected by things around us. However, if we want to develop ourselves in a positive way and evolve, we can pay attention to the information that our aura bands give us, discover where the obstacles and problems lie, and overcome them. This will result in our chakras being balanced. 

Here is an exercise for you to try. 

During the process of an aura reading, do not give up as soon as you perceive the colors. Being aware of the colors you see is just the tip of the iceberg. You should start to talk about what you are seeing. Describe out loud what colors you detect, how they shift, whether they are bright, dull, etc. This process will boost your intuition as it raises your vibration level higher and takes you closer to your Higher Power. It will enable you to interpret what you see better as you will pick up more from the energies. 

As you describe what you’re witnessing, the colors might change. This might be a message that is sent to you for your interpretation so trust your ability to understand what you are perceiving. If you are doing an aura reading for someone else and they feel comfortable, you may notice that their aura changes to complement yours. We tend to have similar auras to people we identify with. 

Learning more about auras and how to interpret them will raise your intuition to the next level.